Saturday, November 29, 2014

Let it Snow!

If you'd come to visit my house today you'd find a complete disaster! It's been close to a year since I packed away our heavy coats and scarves as we prepared for our move to the Bayou. Knowing we wouldn't be expecting much, if any, snow the coming winter I did a good job of hiding them in some unmarked box in the back of the last closet I looked! After tearing the house apart though, finding them was like Christmas itself! I love love love this time of year! Did I mention I love it? Well, just in case, I looove it! 
There's something so magical about the Christmas season to me. I love getting bundled up with scarves and festive socks I'll probably get made fun of for. I love having an excuse to drink even more coffee than I already do because, hey, I need it to keep me warm right? I love going for walks and looking at Christmas lights and by the evening's end realizing I can't feel my fingers and I'm not even quite sure if I still have a nose. I love spending the day baking with my daughter and teaching her some of my favorite recipes. I love shopping for just the right gifts I know will make someone smile. There really isn't anything that I don't like about this time of year.

Filled with all the giddy excitement I was today, I decided to take a drive out to the mountains to see the new snow fall. Walking around in that beautiful winter wonderland I started thinking of something my mom had said recently about Thanksgiving, how we should be thankful every day and not just the one. Watching all those delicate snowflakes and sipping my coffee I realized just how much I have to be thankful for this year. I'll be spending Christmas this year with not only my daughter, who I love more than anything, but also my mom who I've been recently adopted by. The memories we'll make together this year made the top of my list.

The drive back home was bittersweet as I didn't want to leave though I knew the season had just begun and the next time I'd take a trip like this would be with my family!

As I settle in and prepare for a Bayou Christmas I just want to remind you all to be thankful for those around you, find any excuse to drink more coffee, and to allow yourself to be all silly giddy! Afterall, we only live once.

Top: Foxes - Fleece Jacket - Snow {Available at No21}
Pants: Blueberry - Radi - Mesh Belt & Jeans (Boot Friendly) Dark Blue
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/Maya Mesh Hair - Reds Pack

Glasses: {Sleepy Eddy} Boston Glasses - Wood
Bow: .::Y&R::. Big Bow Hairband
Scarf: .S&S. Soopascarf - Beige
Mug: Ariskea - [Winter Warm] - Heart {Available at The Liaison Collaborative}
Rosy Cheeks: {Wicked} Peach - Rosy {Available at The Liaison Collaborative}

Kirin Poses - Autumn Leaves 2 Pose Pack


: The No21 and Liaison Collaborative round these items are featured in are November of '14 :