Friday, January 30, 2015

Goodbye to the Bayou

About six months ago, my little girl and I packed up our things and moved out to the Bayou. Having never lived out on the Bayou before, it was an experience for both of us! I had to learn to live with my fair share of bugs and little flying things that I still don't know the name of! I also got to see my little girl's eyes light up as she saw her first tadpole and spotted "Nessie" out in the water. Hey, you never know, Nessie could have moved out to the Bayou too right? In any case, it's been a wonderful opportunity for us to kick back and really enjoy the beauty of nature around us. 
As I think most of us can agree, things in SL can change quickly and quickly they have! We've expanded our family recently and while the drive to and from the Bayou to see them is a scenic one, my little four year old doesn't seem to have much patience for road trips, especially when she knows Grandma will be at the other end!
So it's come time to pack up our things, once again, and move closer to family. I'm excited for this new adventure and to watch my little girl experience her new surroundings. Thank you to all of you who came to visit us here in the Bayou. Each of played a part in making it feel like home to us. I'll see you all at the new house!

Top: ...Mutresse... Nadya Tank Top
Skirt: Blueberry Belted Denim Mini Skirt
Hair: Magika - Lemon 
Slink Mesh Lids and Lashes

[we're CLOSED] row boat white